Kamis, 23 Oktober 2014



Honorable adjudicator, and all of the member of this house. First of all I beat Assalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb and good morning for the other religion. Firstly a would like to introduce my self, my name is Dewi Kusumanigrum but you can call me just dewi, in this opportunity I would like to delivere my presentation with the title HANDLING TELEPHONE,. In my presentation I will explain about definition of telephone and method to handling telephone. Well ladies and gentleman let me start now.
Telephone is a communication tool with long distance between two people or more. There are two kinds of telephone relationship, such as:
  • In coming call
  • Out going call

1. Incoming call
As a secretary, in handling in coming call we must give excellent service to the Caller, because it can make good image for our company, beside that we must know good method to handle  in coming call, such as:
            # When the telephone ringing, pick up telephone the before third ring with left             hand, while right hand is ready with writing tools.
            # Give familiar Greeting to the call and say your company,
                Ex:  - PT Surya Jaya, Good morning, May I help you?
                       - Good Morning, PT Surya Jaya, what can I do for you?
            # Ask identity to the caller if the caller doesn’t mention her identity.
               Ex: Sorry, May I Know who is speaking please?
         # Ask the necessity of caller, if she wants to be connected to some one, connected as soon as possible, but if the people that direct is not in his room, ask to the caller to leave a message or ask to the caller to call again in few minutes.
               Ex: -  Sorry Mrs. Erna, Mr. Joko is in a meeting, whould you like to leave a  
-          Sorry Mrs. Erna, Mr. Joko is not in his room can you call again in 10 minutes?
# Write the message carefully, and replay the message to correct if there are falses messages.
Ex: Your Company order 10 Unit Computer and 12 Unit Printer Epson, is it correct, Sir?
# Ask again to the caller if any other message.
Ex: well Mrs. Erna, any other message?
# If, there aren’t other message, close conversation with familiar greeting and don’t forget to say thank you.
Ex: Thank you Mrs. Erna, I would like to deliver your message as soon as possible, Good morning.
# And, the last put the telephone after the call.

2. Out Going Call
            Method in handling telephone are:
# Prepare writing tools, message that will delivery and telephone number that will we call in order to not false.
# Dial the telephone number.
-          If in local area, we just dial telephone number.
Ex: 332630= Telephone Number
-          If to other area, firstly we must dial code area and then telephone number.
Ex: (0341)           = Malang code
      326630          = Telephone number
-          And, if to other country, we must dial: International code + Country code + Area code + Telephone Number
Ex:      (001)        = International code
            (61)          = Country code( Malaysia)
             (2)           = Area code
       8180744       = Telephone Number

# Wait until our call answered.  And then, mention our identity and deliver our necessity concisely and clealy.
# Write all answer that we receive
# if the people our direct is not in his room, we can leave a message to the receiver or we can call again.
# if conversation is finished don’t forget to say thanks and give familiar greeting.
# Put the telephone slowly in order to not to make bad image.

Conclusion: by mastering method of handling telephone, of course our job as secretary in handling telephone will be easier

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